Unicom TIC

Unicom TIC Code of Conduct


Unicom TIC Student Code of Conduct

Welcome to Unicom TIC! We are dedicated to providing an inclusive and enriching learning environment for all our students. To ensure a conducive space for growth and innovation, we expect each student to adhere to the following comprehensive Code of Conduct:

Demonstrate a genuine commitment to learning, seeking knowledge, and developing technical skills to excel in the field of technology.

Embrace diversity and treat fellow students, teachers, and staff with respect, empathy, and inclusivity, regardless of background, gender, race, or nationality.

Uphold the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. Plagiarism, cheating, or any form of dishonesty will not be tolerated.

Attend all classes, workshops, and activities promptly and regularly. Notify the appropriate channels in advance if you are unable to attend.

Actively engage in class discussions, group activities, projects, and workshops, contributing constructively to the learning community.

Communicate with peers and staff in a professional and respectful manner. Use appropriate language, tone, and etiquette in all forms of communication.

Respect the facilities, equipment, and resources provided by Unicom TIC. Report any damage, malfunction, or misuse promptly to the appropriate authorities

Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared within the Unicom TIC community. Do not disclose any privileged or confidential information without proper authorization.

Use technology provided by Unicom TIC for training purposes only. Do not engage in any form of hacking, cyberbullying, or unethical use of digital resources.

Adhere to ethical standards in technology, avoiding any actions that may compromise security, privacy, or the well-being of individuals or communities.

Actively seek opportunities for personal and professional growth, participate in networking events, and engage with industry experts.

Maintain a high level of discipline and conduct. Refrain from engaging in any disruptive or harmful behavior that may adversely affect the learning environment.

Report any violations of this Code of Conduct promptly to the appropriate authorities. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment.


Unicom TIC Lecturers Code of Conduct

To ensure a conducive space for growth and innovation, we expect each lecturer to adhere to the following comprehensive Code of Conduct

Lecturers are expected to provide high-quality instruction, adhere to curriculum guidelines, and foster an environment conducive to learning.

Lecturers should exhibit professionalism in their interactions with students, peers, and staff. This includes punctuality, preparedness, and adherence to program policies

Lecturers must treat all students, regardless of background, with respect and fairness. They should create an inclusive learning environment that values diversity

Lecturers are encouraged to provide constructive feedback to students and actively participate in the evaluation process to support student growth.

Lecturers should respect the confidentiality of student information and maintain the privacy of academic records.

Lecturers should engage in professional development and stay updated with industry trends to provide students with relevant and up-to-date knowledge.

Lecturers are expected to follow all program policies and guidelines, including curriculum standards, assessment methods, and code of conduct.

Lecturers should demonstrate ethical behavior and integrity in all aspects of their role, including assessment, evaluation, and interaction with students.

Lecturers are encouraged to provide mentorship and support to students, helping them navigate their tech journey and career aspirations.

Lecturers should actively engage with fellow faculty members, participate in program activities, and contribute to the overall academic community.

Consequences of Violations

Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, which may include warnings, probation, suspension, or, in severe cases, expulsion from the program and the Organisation.

By joining Unicom TIC, you commit to upholding these principles and contributing to a vibrant and thriving learning community. Your dedication to these guidelines ensures a positive and enriching experience for yourself and your fellow students.