Unicom TIC

Our Story

Conception of the idea

Shantha Ruban, an eminent figure acclaimed among the World’s 100 Global Tech Innovators, is a visionary serial tech entrepreneur. He is also the Founder of 5 tech companies in the UK where he currently serves as the Group CEO developing world-class solutions, and shaping the digital landscape with cutting-edge technology.

One auspicious day, Shantha arrived at one of the group companies well before the usual bustle of the office. To his surprise, a group of young employees had already taken charge of the boardroom early that morning. Intrigued, Shantha decided to quietly observe.

In his own words, he recalls ‘I told them to carry on and I observed, I saw our Technologist and Senior tech lead Mayuran giving lecture to the new employees on practical examples of coding, how to code and industry best practices, he was doing such a fantastic job and these new employees were university graduates who had at least 5 years of education and internships before they joined the company, but they still needed training and more resources to get ready for their role in the company.” And this incident got Shantha thinking and eventually, the idea was born.

Later, Shantha engaged with his childhood friend Dr. Neil Anthony-Pillai in a discussion about this transformative incident. Together, they unearthed a grander vision for Sri Lanka.

Dr. Neil Anthony-Pillai, a luminary boasting four decades of experience in both tech and training, felt an immediate resonance with Shantha’s vision. In a bold move, he relinquished his significant role in the UK, dedicating himself to sculpting global tech innovators right here in Sri Lanka.
As the idea matured into reality Jon Guffastan, renowned as one of the world’s foremost technicians joined the team along with Mayooran Somasundaram and Anushyanthan Selvanayagam who were driven by the same noble mission. Today, we stand fortified by the backing of multinational IT giants, esteemed institutions, and global tech trailblazers. This is only the beginning of an era marked by boundless opportunity for every Sri Lankan. A future where barriers dissolve into insignificance.

Unicom TIC stands poised to empower and equip students who will undergo workshops and attend interviews conducted regionally. Selected students will then participate in the certificate and diploma program, with guaranteed job placements on successful completion of the course. By January 2025, each successful graduate will not only possess skills coveted by industry leaders but will also hold the key to a promising career path.

Skills Today, Success Tomorrow.


To inspire, empower and produce employable Sri Lanka’s next generation of digital innovators; from grassroots to greatness.


Envisioning a Sri Lanka where every determined individual, regardless of background, is equipped with cutting-edge technology skills, and empowered by our nation’s renowned logical thinking.